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Mobile Photography

455 Students enrolled
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  • Description
Mobile Photograhpy

Smartphone and iPhone cameras are highly advanced and can take stunning pictures that rival the pros with all their equipment.
With a wide assortment of apps, equipment, and communities to make your photos amazing. All our courses are 100% online. Independent candidate can Immediately start-up.

Skills you will learn:
Learn how to take pictures with this comprehensive training. You will develop a firm understanding of:

  • The apps that totally revolutionize the photography experience
  • The accessories you can use to optimize your photography
  • Everything you’ll need to get started
  • Specific photography skills you can use to capture that perfect shot
  • How to edit your pictures for maximum dramatic effect
  • How to share, and even sell, your pictures

About the course:
This course is the perfect foundation for you to learn different technics.
You will take some artistic photos with nothing but your phone sounds attractive to you. There has never been a better time to get into mobile photography.

On completion you can download and print your certificate, which you can use to potentially boost your career moving forward. The course will be available 24/24 hours and 7 days a week for the period of time you are register.